Thank you for downloading the Jamroom Core! Installing Jamroom on your server is super easy: 1) Download the Latest Jamroom Core: 2) Using a quality FTP Client upload the contents of this directory to the directory on your server that you want Jamroom to run from. On many web hosting setups the directory is normally named "public_html" or "httpdocs". 3) After the upload is finished, load up your site in your browser: If you installed Jamroom into a sub directory of your website, you will need to include the sub directory in your URL - i.e. 4) Enter your Database information into the installer. (If the installer detects any issues with your PHP, Server or MySQL installation it will tell you). When complete press the install button. 5) Create the first account on the system by clicking on the "Create Account" link in the header. The first account in the system is automatically setup as a MASTER ADMIN account, and you'll be directed to the System Check after your account is created. 6) Once inside the Admin Control Panel (ACP) click on the 'Marketplace' link in the left hand module menu and install any additional modules or skins you would like. If you run into any issues during your install that you're unable to work out, or have questions, make sure and let us know - we're here to help. We hope you enjoy using Jamroom! - The Jamroom Team